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6 "Peripheral Controller" IP

Quad SPI Controller
The Serial Peripheral Interface or SPI-bus is a simple 4- wire serial communications interface used by many peripheral chips that enable the controllers (SoCs’ and Microcontrollers/Microprocessors) an...

FPGA Supervisor
The GRSCRUB is an FPGA configuration supervisor responsible for programming and scrubbing the FPGA configuration memory to prevent accumulation of errors. The GRSCRUB IP is currently able to supervise...

Dolphin Octal SPI Controller
Dolphin Octa SPI Controller and PHY IP supports the fastest access frequency of 200MHz, with DDR Mode and Double Transfer Rate (DTR) Protocol enabling data transfer rates up to 400Mbps with reduced re...

Dolphin Quad SPI Controller
Dolphin Technology provides Quad SPI Controller IP which enables access to a QSPI flash device through read, write and erase operations. The Quad SPI IP either controls a serial data link as a master,...

SPI to AXI4 Controller Bridge
The logiSPI SPI to AXI4 Controller Bridge IP core from Xylon's logicBRICKS IP library enables easy inter-chip board-level interfacing between virtually any microcontroller (MCU) and Xilinx Zynq-7000 A...

AHB Cache Controller Core
The CACHE-CTRL IP core is a flexible cache memory controller providing a 32-bit slave AHB processor interface and a 32-bit master AHB interface to the memory subsystem.


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