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22 "Timer/Watchdog" IP

AHB Low Power Subsystem - ARM M0
The AHB Low Power Subsystem is an AMBA® based system that is useful as the basic digital infrastructure for building low power SOCs. The subsystem contains a flexible Power Management Unit that contr...

AXI Performance Subsystem
The AXI Performance Subsystem is an AMBA® AXI4 based system that is useful as the digital infrastructure for building SOCs needing high performance. This system contains an 8 master, 16 slave AXI4 mu...

Watchdog IP, 66MHz APB clock rate, 32 - bit down counter, Soft IP
WatchDog timer with APB interface.

AHB-Lite Timer
The Roa Logic AHB-Lite Timer IP is a fully parameterized soft IP implementing a user-defined number of timers and functions as specified by the RISC-V Privileged 1.9.1 specification.

Dolphin Real Time Clock (RTC)
Dolphin Technology provides Real Time Clock (RTC) IP which is used to avoid confusion with ordinary hardware clocks which are only signals that govern digital electronics, and do not count time in hum...

Dolphin Triple Timer Counter (TTC)
Dolphin Technology provides Triple Timer Counter (TTC) IP with three independent timer/counter modules that can each be clocked using either the system clock or an externally derived clock. In additio...

Dolphin Watchdog Timer (WDT)
Dolphin Technology provides Watchdog Timer (WDT) IP which is used to prevent system lockup if software becomes trapped in a deadlock by generating a system reset, an interrupt, or an external signal. ...

Real Time Clock is used to generate precise time, date, alarm pulse after programmed period and keeps track of events, compatible with standard protocol of RTC specification. Through its RTC compatibi...

Watchdog Timer IP
Watchdog is used to generate system reset in case of software or hardware failures when the main program doesn t reset it s counter periodically, compatible with standard protocol of Watchdog specific...

Configurable System Tick Counter
The CC-SYSTICK-APB is a synthesisable Verilog model of a system tick timer counter controller. The SYSTICK core can be efficiently implemented on FPGA and ASIC technologies.

Configurable System Tick Counter
The CC-SYSTICK-AXI is a synthesisable Verilog model of a system tick timer counter controller. The SYSTICK core can be efficiently implemented on FPGA and ASIC technologies.

Configurable Timer Counter
The CC-TIMER-AXI is a synthesisable Verilog model of a timer counter controller. The TIMER core can be efficiently implemented on FPGA and ASIC technologies.

Configurable Timer Counter
The CC-TIMER-APB is a synthesisable Verilog model timer counter controller. The TIMER core can be efficiently implemented on FPGA and ASIC technologies.

Configurable Watchdog Timer
The CC-WDT-APB is a synthesisable Verilog model of a watchdog timer controller. The WDT core can be efficiently implemented on FPGA and ASIC technologies.

Configurable Watchdog Timer
The CC-WDT-AXI is a synthesisable Verilog model of a watchdog timer controller. The WDT core can be efficiently implemented on FPGA and ASIC technologies.

Configurable Watchdog Timer (WD)
A watchdog is used in systems to prevent system lockup due to software or hardware failures. For normal operation, the timeout counter has to be reset by the CPU in a regular interval. Depending on th...

Dual Timer / Counter with Prescaler
Timer and counters are essential in CPU applications. Used to count events, measure time intervals or frequencies, or generate periodic timing events. The TIMERmodule provides two independent 16-bit t...

Real-Time Clock with APB Interface
The RTC-APB core implements a real-time clock (RTC) and calendar facility together with an alarm function.

Timer/Counter with APB Interface
The Timer-APB core is a 32-bit counter/timer with an APB interface that can be used to schedule periodic tasks, and can act as a high precision time reference. The timer supports three modes of opera...

Watchdog Timer with APB Interface
The WDT-APB core implements 32-bit count down counter with a programmable timeout interval and logic to generate an interrupt and a reset signal on its timeout. The main purpose of the Watchdog IP Cor...

Programmable Timer Module
The D6840 is a programmable timer module, compatible with the 6840 industry standard. It was designed to be used in a peripheral device for D68xx processors. Moreover, our proprietary IP Core works pe...

Watchdog Timer
Watchdog Timer IP is used to monitor status of Host. Host sends kick signal to the IP periodically which resets the timer inside the IP. When kick signal is missed for the first time, WDT IP sends ...


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